If you know... cookies shall be yours!
Anyway. Moving swiftly on, it's time for...
Episode One: The Eleventh Hour
Rating: 10/10
I loved loved LOVED this episode. Matt was amazing, and the monster was totally terrifying. Amy was really excellent both as a child and an adult, I loved her from the minute we met her. She's adorable.

Episode Two: The Beast Below
Rating: 9/10
Aside from being a bit confused (this was paced at uberspeed) I really liked this one. The star whale was SO epic. And the Smilers? Totally freaky!! This was funny and scary. The only thing I didn't like was the Doctor's random "I'm taking you home! Raaaah I be mad" thing. It seemed out of character. But. yeah.

Episode Three: Victory of the Daleks
Rating: 9.5/10
Gotta love the Daleks!!! Especially... SHINY COLORFUL ONES.
Churchill was awesome, too. A bit confused by the point of having that random chick who's boyfriend/husband man died though. But yes, it was awesome. Jammie dodgers!!! XD

Episode Four: Time of the Angels
Rating: 8/10
Meh. MEH. I loved Amy. And Doctor. And the beginning, with the recording was totally scary. But RIVER. She was so weird. I think she ruined it. But everything else about this was good, except I don't like the angels snapping necks. But Angel Bob? So epic. AND THE TARDIS NOISE.

Episode Five: Flesh and Stone
Rating: 6/10
Blah. Angels moving? What? That's dumb! Lame! And all the episode was, was Doctor going "OH!" and River going "Of course!" and Amy going "the hell you talkin' 'bout?" So that was dumb. And Amy TOTALLY was a h0r and it made me not like her. So. That was annyoing and ruinating.

Episode Six: Vampires of Venice
Rating: 10/10
LOVED THIS. Rory is basically the most adorable Spongebob-referencing man on earth. I loved him. And The Doctor was nice to him, which I loved. Amy redeemed herself somewhat, and the monsters were really awesome. I think this was my favorite besides the premiere.

Anyway, that's my spiel. I like this season for the most part so far, and i'm looking forward to Amy's Choice this Saturday!!!
Adios, amigos.
Ten. I miss him.

3 people made my day brighter:
MUAHAHA!! I just watched Hungry Earth!! *rubs it in your face* XD
but, just to save you from having me gloat in your face... http://www.doctorwho-episodes.com/watch-doctor-who-episodes/doctor-who-series-5
You can thank me after you watch every episode up to Hungry Earth. XD :D I've been saving the lives of BBCamerica watchers for the past few weeks by giving them this link. :) Hope you like!
Oh, and the title is Chameleon Circuit!!!!!!! Cookies please... XP
YOU ARE MY HERO. I still have to wait till Saturday, cuz of school and such... >.> but yay!!!! Thank you!!!
Annnnddddd.... that wasn't exactly the reference I was going for, actually. Does CC use that line in a song? I need to listen to them more. XD
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