So, I went on my blog this afternoon, and what do I find?? I have 9 followers!!! Yay! Thanks to all of you guys for makin' me feel special. ^_^
In other news, I took some pretty epic pictures today. Here is one of them:

Pretty much awesome, methinks.
I'm moving in less than a week now. A fact that continues to frighten me.
I feel a bit End-Of-Time-Doctorish at the mo... "I don't wanna go."
But I must.
And just as I think the Doctor knew, I know that despite the fact that I could do so much more, it's time to go.

...okay, maybe it's not THAT dramatic.
But yeah, things are moving right along over here. I'm excited and sad, but mostly excited.
1 people made my day brighter:
Dear Audrey,
I found your blog because you follow Ze Awesome Nerdettes, and me and Belinda are sorta best friends. I hate to creep, but I noticed that we're sorta soulmates. Well, maybe not soul mates, but we have a whole ton in common, assuming you are who you say you are, and you're not some creeper. I see that this letter is coming out creepy... IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THAT WAY!
But, lemme get to the point. We have a ton in common!
For example,
-Doctor Who
-Harry Potter
-Hank Green
-Harry Potter
-Doctor Who
-David Tennant
-David Tennant
-David Tennant
-David Tenna-Sorry, am I rambling? Oooooppppsss....
So, since I think you're really cool, I think you should respond. PLEASE?
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