Rating: 10/10
Okay, this was just AWESOME. Rory was adorable and it was good to see some Amy/Rory love for once. I was on the edge of my seat and when the Dream Lord was the Doctor I was like "HOSHIT! WUT!?"
Totally thought it was the Master. Lulz.

Episode Eight: The Hungry Earth
Rating: 9/10
I really enjoyed this one! Some of the minor characters were annoying, but the story was pretty cool. The alien was a tad odd, not gonna lie.
I don't have a lot to say for this two-parter. It didn't stick with me really.

Episode Nine: Cold Blood
Rating: 9/10
Okay, first of all WHY DID RORY JUST DIE. AGAIN. *whimpers*
But Amy's reaction was GOOD.
Soooo good. But then she FORGOT HIM. I cried.
Better than part one, but to be honest it still didn't stick with me much.

Episode Ten: Vincent and the Doctor
Rating: 12 billion/10
Oh my god.
This was such a great episode. The Doctor was adorably flailing when trying to assist Vincent, Vincent himself was just BRILLIANT, and Amy was just sweet. I love her, and her whole crying for no apparent reason thing was great. The end of this really got to me... I was in tears. It was so touching and eloquently done.

Episode Eleven: The Lodger
Rating: 10/10
Okay, this one was just funny. The Doctor was a total goober, Amy was badass with her TARDIS-flyin' skillz, and the alien was creepy. I felt the "half-TARDIS" bit was never fully explained and left a lot to be desired, but it was a good funny prelude to a seriously intense finale.

Episode Twelve: The Pandorica Opens
Rating: 11/10
OH MY LORD. This episode was full of so much intensity. It brought the entire SEASON together and it was all BAM!Rory BAM!Aliens BAM!Doctor in box BAM!Amy is DEAD!? And then the TARDIS is blowing up and the universe is disappearing and it's DONE. And The Doctor is trapped and I was left staring. Thinking HOW THE HELL?

Episode Thirteen: The Big Bang
Rating: HOLY JESUS!/10
This was SO intense. I love that time travel actually gets USED, in a funny Bill-and-Ted kinda way. I loved River and her awesomeness. And I never thought I'd say that. XD
I loved the fez. I freaked when the Doctor "died." Little Amy is so cuteeeeee! Rory is my hero, Amy is so lucky to have that man. Even if he was plastic.
I adored the wedding. I love that they got married and were happy and SAVED the Doctor and just GAH. Moffatt, I friggin LOVE you.

All-in-all, I think it was a brilliant season, my favorite next to season 4. Amy and Rory are amazing companions and Matt Smith has earned his title as my second-favorite Doctor next to Tennant.
I can't wait for Christmas. 8D
5 people made my day brighter:
I actually didn't enjoy Amy's Choice as much as I thought I would o_O I mean, it was an alright episode all in all, but when they were all "OH SHIT WHICH ONE IS A DREAM" I was just like... "Yawn. Both of them."
And Amy's reaction to Rory 'dying' was just bleh.
But other than that it was good. When the was trying to figure out who the Dream Lord was and said "There's only one person who hates me as much as you do" or whatever and the the Dream Lord turned out to be the Doctor... that kinda gave me chills.
Hungry Earth and Cold Blood were enjoyable enough. But Rory dying pissed me off SO MUCH. I was just like..."What. The. Crack. Did we not just go through this a couple episodes ago?"
But at least Amy reacted the way she should have.
Exactly my thoughts on the Rory-dying bit. XD
Okay, I completely agree with all of your ratings! O_O I cried when Rory died in Cold Blood.... wuv him... and I was screaming all through The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang-- I WAS FREAKING OUT THE WHOLE FLIPPIN TIME. Definitely my fav season-- tied with Season 4. :)
OH. And I knew right off that the Dream Lord was the Valeyard. :)
i totally agree with everything you said. i love David Tennant (Im watching Harry Potter 4 right now just for him :).) the dream lord really suprised me, i thought that it was The Master too. this wasnt my favourite season but it was still really good, as soon as they mentioned the Pandorica i knew it was for the Doctor, which made me really happy and sad that i was right.
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