PONYO! Oh my goodness, it was the cutest movie I've ever seen! I absolutely adore it. If you haven't seen it, go watch it now. It's amazing.
In other news, I have another follower!!! HI EMMA!!!! *waves crazily* The number five makes me feel special. But hey, if we can get TWO MORE, we'll have my favorite number, which is 7. And then, 6 more and it'll be my other favorite number, which is 13. SO: tell your friends about this truly amazing and fascinating blog!!! It will make me happy. And if you follow me... I'll most likely follow you back, cuz all my followers are cool kids. Yo.
Do you like the new musica? I love it. Flogging Molly for the win.
Anyway, I'm on break now!!! Such joy! I'm also watching the next episode of Doctor Who tonight, hopefully. I am so excitedddddd. It makes me wanna fall over with joy.
And that's all for now. Adios, lovelies.

4 people made my day brighter:
ha, i've wanted to see that movie for ages!
and YAY you for breaktimeness! I must talk to you so much my head turns to bleach.
No, i have no idea what i'm talking about.
love you <3
I heard that movie was good! I wanna watch it now. :)))
AND YAY FOLLOWER!!! *waves as well* :D
I luv yew! <3
Rose: it's so cute! and yes. bleach. (...what?!)
Sierra: IT IS SO GOOD. And yay! And I luv yew too! <3
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