well, my dear friend emily goodnow hooked me up with this writer guy who will be critiquing my book/editing it/apparently really enjoying it, as he said in his email!!!
here's a bit of what he said:
"This is a really good story! I’m absolutely amazed at the level and skill of the manuscript. After merely reading the prologue, it was abundantly clear you have all the talent needed to succeed as a writer. You know how to tell a story. "
so i'm basically peeing myself over how excited i am. i mean, this gives me a REASON to actually finish it now! i have an EDITOR!
anyway, i'm super duper happy.
that's all for now...

Not gonna lie, I usually don't get why girls are into the whole "two guys kissing" thing... but this made me understand. Dayum. LOVE.
2 people made my day brighter:
Uhhh... YAOIE.
And also, I am vair vair PROUD OF MY GORGEOUS AUDREY! <3
XD That's the word! But really... I could stare at that picture for hours... (because I'm way creepier than any of us realized, folks!)
And yay! I'm proud of me too!!!!! <3
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