I have this habit, you see, of coming into books by seeing the movie. Horrible, I know, but what can I say?
For example, when I was about 5 my dad tried reading me the first Harry Potter book. Being 5, I said "noooo" because at five I liked The Boxcar Children. By the time I was 7, the first movie had come out. I went to see it, and... well, how could you not love it??

So, I went home and picked up the first book, and the rest is history. By the time the second movie came out, I'd read the first four books and was thoroughly addicted. Now some people might say I'm not a TRUE book fan if I saw the movie first, but I beg to differ. I think that if the first movie, one of the only ones that stayed true to the book I might add, inspired me to read the books and fall in love with the characters because of how they were written (NOT because they were hot or something because, come on, I was seven) then that's a GOOD thing.
Anyway, Percy Jackson was the same way. My 12-year-old brother started reading them last year, and tried to get me to read The Lightning Thief. I got all the way to right after they got out of the Lotus Casino, and then got bored and started re-reading a Doctor Who book instead. But then the movie came out. And I was PISSED, because they changed everything!!! And the only attractive character (Luke) was killed, which I was fairly certain didn't happen in the books. So I picked up the Lightning Thief and read it. Then I grabbed Logan, shook him by the shoulders, and demanded book two. He informed me he only owned books one, four, and five. I nearly exploded. So I had to wait for our next library visit to gobble up books 2 and 3.
Now I've finally finished book 4, and with only one book left to go, I can hardly believe I'm nearly at the end. I feel like I'm reading Harry Potter 7 all over again; excited, but sad.
As a complete opposite, I got into Doctor Who via the books. My darling bestie, Rose, loved Doctor Who. I'd never heard of it, so she loaned me one of the novels. I believe it was Peacemaker (one starring Ten and Martha). I loved it at once. I read Forever Autumn and had started another one before I even saw my first episode (which, for the curious, was The Runaway Bride. I freaking love Donna. I did from the moment I saw that). Now, Doctor Who is practically my life.

SPEAKING OF, I'm rewatching The End of Time tonight hopefully. I'm really excited, because I loved that episode. It was sad, but it was also brilliant. I love the Master. And the Doctor.
Anyway. I cut my finger on a broken cup. It hurts.
This has been a super long post!!!! So... bye!
4 people made my day brighter:
Haha!! I love you. <3
THEY KILLED LUKE? In the first movie?!
Sorry. :P But he's supposed to _______!
P.S. I love your blog. :)
I'm always shocked at how tiny and adorable they were in Sorcerer's Stone! WHAT HAPPENED, DANIEL RADCLIFF? >_<
Books are better than the movies 98% of the time, I think. The other 2% of the time I like the movie better just because the book was impossible to read, or I like the movie equally. :D
Sierra: gracias!
The Golden Eagle: thank you!! And yeah, what the crack, right??? Soooo lame.
Brigid: LOL I know, right? And yeah, the only movies I've liked better than the books are Nim's Island and Bridge to Terabithia.
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