Oh my lord, Matt Smith was so brilliant!!! I love him already. He's amazing.

And Amy Pond is one of the coolest companions ever! She's right up there with Donna, far surpassing Rose as far as badassery and just as clever as Martha. I love love love her.
Basically, it was brilliant. I got to watch it here: http://www.drwhovids.blogspot.com/
And it saved my soul. Oh my Gods.
Anyway, I'm reading the second Percy Jackson & The Olympians book now, it's so awesome!! I'm also finishing Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, which is hysterical. And for school we've started A Tale of Two Cities. Did you know the first sentence in the book is a paragraph long??? Oy vey. Anyway, a lot of reading coming up...
Ooh, did I mention the TARDIS? It's gorgeous, I think I like its new interior better than the old one. It's very cool.
To quote the dearly beloved Tenth Doctor....
And just for fun...
4 people made my day brighter:
I haven't even watched enough Doctor Who to know anything about it but I already miss David Tennant. D:
I miss him TOOOOOOO.
But he is plastered all over my walls so I don't feel as if he's really gone. XD
Matt Smith looks a lot like Brendan Frasier in that picture which makes me automatically angry at him XD
Brilliant you found my blog :)
yours turns up when i look for mine on google (if you're wondering how i found your blog)
if you want to exchange links with drwhovids.blogspot.com just let me know...
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