but oh my god, a tale of two cities is making me want to poke my own face in. why why why must we read this!!!!??? i'd much rather just read percy jackson. now THOSE discussions i could get really into. *nods*
speaking of, the third book is SO good so far. i'm halfway through it at the mo. joy!
in other news i'm having a sleepover on thursday!!! we're gonna watch back-to-back twilight and new moon (since i haven't seen new moon) and mock them to our heart's content. you know, the funny thing is when i first read twilight i really enjoyed it... now i reread it and can't imagine why i was so infatuated with edward stalkerpants cullen or why i felt sympathy or even friendliness towards bella eff-my-life swan. the only character i still love (and the only one who made breaking dawn slightly uncrap) is jacob check-out-my-bazillion-ab-muscles black.
anyway... in other news, friday night i'm going to watch The Beast Below, episode 2 of season 5. I am sooooooo excited right now. Matt Smith is kinda brilliant. although i must let it be known NO ONE will replace david tennant for me. i love him beyond all reason and he will always be my doctor. but just like chris eccleston and david tennant, matt already seems like the doctor to me. and amy is just amazing. in time she may become my favorite companion next to donna. because NO ONE beats donna.
here is a picture of donna:

seriously, there's just something about those two that is just amazing. the best best best team to rule the universe.
welp, adios my friends.
love and lemmings,
6 people made my day brighter:
Ahaha I could read your posts all day long, you're amazing. <3
You better, like, record these mockings, because I'm dying to know what you think lol. Jacob is the only good part of that movie, seriously. Same with Breaking Dawn. If there were no Jacob, all we would hear about would be Bella being all "eh mah gawd baby is LOVE!!!!!!!!!" and then I would just have to stab myself in the eye. XD Btw, I loved your lovely middle names for those guys. :D
And Percy Jackson is amazing.
And I should really start watching Doctor Who.
You're my new best friend for putting Hey Soul Sister on this blog.
I mean...you're already my best friend. But. still
i want to stab Dickens a bit myself. Same reason. I never liked the book. bleh.
i can't wait to see matt smiiiith
and sierra. you MUST
Sierra: all I can say is YES. and you win cookies. for being first to comment.
Rose: XD i love that song!!! <3 MATT SMITH IS SO FREAKING GOOOOOD if you don't love him or at lease like him imma bite you. :-P
I liked Twilight at first too! Especially New Moon. The Volturi were kinda epic - they're still the only part I like. Otherwise... bleh. I can rant about those books for hours. XD
I have not seen New Moon. Is it as hilarious as Twilight was? Because I couldn't stop laughing through the entire thing.
Also, Charles Dickens needs to go away.
Indeed he does.
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