it doesn't get any better than Queen.
I got a new Doctor Who book today. It's called Shining Darkness. I'm really excited:

I'm quite pleased with it after only about 3 pages. You know, it's really nice when the writers of these books have such good knowledge as to the characters of the Doctor and Donna. I love it.
SPEAKING OF.... spring break is soon, so I'll be able to work on my story soon. Promise!!!
Anymoo, I dunno what else to say, now...
Some drama in my life, but it's stupid, as is all drama, so let's not go into it, eh?
In other news... WELCOME, NEW FOLLOWERS!!! *waves frantically* Ze Awesome Nerdettes are totally awesome so check them out. And ALIIIIINA! *tackles* 8D
Anyway, I feel super special with 4 followers now (even if one of them is my mom... >.>) so I think I should start talking about more worldly topics (other than, you know, Doctor Who) sooooo I guess I'll start with... oh, never mind. I don't like to discuss politics. Um... no, religion's not my cup of tea.... OOH! MUSIC!
Okay, Queen's BOSS, people. BOSS. So, some songs you GOTTA hear:
1. Bohemian Rhapsody (of course)
2. Body Language
3. Don't Stop Me Now
4. Seven Seas of Rhye
I love them so much. Good lord.
Anyway pals, it's been fun. Gonna watch Torchwood tonight! I'm pumped!!!!
(and back to the Whoniverse we go, eh?)

2 people made my day brighter:
You has blog!!! YAY! I will try to post about things other than just Doctor Who for your benefit. (although you really must watch it at some point. XD)
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