I ramble incessantly about Doctor Who, books, David Tennant, and Harry Potter. It's a hell of a ride.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

you know you have a problem when...

...the highlight of your week is going to the comic book store to get a new Doctor Who comic (or 5...)

I can't wait for tomorrow! ^_^

Isn't it so awesome when you have virtually NO homework?! It feels kind of wrong at the same time, though, and I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something.

Have I told you what classes I'm taking next year yet? No? Well, here they are:
Latin II
Honors English III
US History
Intro to Psychology
Creative Writing

If I can't get into Psych or CW, I might be taking Theater Arts II or Public Speaking. Either way, it's gonna be SO much more fun than this year. No more gym... *scowls*

See, gym is pretty much the bane of my existence, because I hate sports. I don't really like running, either, to be honest. Sprinting, sure. Sometimes I'll run up my street just for fun. But the PACER TEST is the work of the devil. So is pickle ball. It was made by a demon. Disguised as a British person. The jerk.

I like British people.
Okay, so I started watching Torchwood recently! (Doctor Who spinoff if you didn't know... yeah, I know. I'm a nerdface. Shh.) The first episode was a little gory (um, shooting Jack in head is not okay! Even if he does just pop right back up!) and the second was REALLY sexually graphic (I mean, really, Russel T. Davies, this is like borderline porn!) but the third was really amazing. It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, and the ending was totally unexpected!

I already love Jack from Doctor Who, and Gwen is really awesome. I love her boyfriend too, poor guy. Ianto's adorable, and I dunno how I feel about Owen just yet. He seems like a pervy jerk at the mo, but last night's episode made him seem a bit more human.

Anymoo, that's all for now. I can't wait to get comics tomorrow!!!!!!! 8D

Adieu for now, my darling stalkers.


2 people made my day brighter:

Kenzy said...

This weekend i'm going to order, like, seven Doctor Who novels from Barnes and Noble, and i'm so freakin excited!! EEP. xD

That Girl in the Pink said...

AWESOME!!!! Any idea which ones you're gonna get?
I just bought 5 new comics. XD I feel so happy.

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