An essay, by Audrey.
So. We all know the Master: he's evil, he's tried to destroy the human race, he enjoys killing people for fun, and he likes to torment the Doctor.
So, why the HELL, you say indignantly, would any sane person like him, much less LOVE him??
Oh, my friends. I will tell you why.
First, and most shallowly, I kinda think John Simm is attractive. >.>
But more importantly, I find his character fascinating! He's completely deranged, but there's a sort of brilliant geniusry (which is so not a word but should be) to his madness. He finds the most subtle ways of taking over, knows exactly what can break a person, even a strong person like the Doctor or Martha, and he knows just how to infiltrate the powers that be, and become them.
He's also hilarious as hell, despite him being a ruthless bastard that makes people want to stab him in the face. Because his lunacy leaves you chortling, even as he murders the human race, smiling down at them with the Doctor a crippled prisoner in his wake.
Yeah, he's horrible. He's demonic. He's the scariest person I'd never hope to meet.
But I love him like crazy cakes.
Anyway, off to watch The End of Time, cry like a baby, watch David Tennant's video diary, and go to bed.
It's a happy night in Nerdtopia.
Love and LOLz,
2 people made my day brighter:
i think he's funny.
i still don't loooove him XD
XP Well fine then. To each their own I suppose.
You should send this to Colin. Perhaps this may enlighten him as to why people (i.e. me) like ol' Master so much.
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