Sooo. Not much to report today. I gotta read Act II of Othello. Ha. Ha. Ha. It's funny, my English teacher WOULD find a way to cram racism into our Shakespeare unit. Good lord. The woman's OBSESSED. With racism. And sex. She scares me.
Yeah. Basically, that's all. OOH, I really honest for true swear to try and get SOMETHING new for DOYC... er, soonish.
*spins around in circles* Don't let me go, my darling, hold me safely till the morning, promise when the lights are fading, you'll save me...
AAAAAAH SQUEE. They're awesome.
(That'd be Clockwork Quartet. By the way.)

He's a duck.
2 people made my day brighter:
<3 the David pic. xD
He's too cute for words.
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