Today, I went downtown with my darling brother, who is staring over my shoulder asking for his turn.... anyway, so we went to Bull Moose, a DVD/music/stuff store. I got the DOCTOR WHO COMPLETE SPECIALS DVD SET. FIVE, that's right, FIVE discs of awesome. And it has David Tennant's video diary, too. OH EM GEE. *has fangirl heart attack*
So yeah, that was awesome. Also, the cashier and I had a chat about David Tennant while I was paying. Oh joy. <3
And so tonight's plan is pretty much to watch The End of Time parts 1 and 2. I'm excited and also nervous, because I know David leaves, and I am gonna cry. But the Master is in these episodes!!!!! I LOVE HIM.
I think he might have to make an appearance in my fanfic. I'm serious. GOOD LORD. I am a nerd and I need help.

So, I might post at some point a blog about WHY I love the Master. Because I know many think I am freaky.
Welp, that's all for now, readers. Off to read some Othello... *cries* I don't like that book. Damn.
And then... study for Bio... and then... call Rose... and then....
Anyway. Rambling. Laugh out loud.
Love and lemmings,
2 people made my day brighter:
And i'm jealous of ur speshul dvdz
I'm jealous of YOURS. You've got all 4 seasons with spesh features and such!
Next time I see you, let's have a David Tennant Video Diary fest.
XD Obsession. We has it.
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